Wesley of Middle Tennessee took to the Murfreesboro Greenway on Thursday with gloves, masks and trash bags in hand to show some love to God’s creation.
The Middle Tennessee State University based campus ministry said their missional theme for September was “Caring for Creation”. As part of this missional effort, the group decided to walk a portion of the greenway and pick up as much trash as they could find. Camryn Shepard, one of the Missions Coordinators, explained, “God created us to be in his creation, and if we’re not taking care of it — in a way, we’re not really taking care of ourselves.”
The local mission was founded on Psalms 96:11-13, which poetically describes the whole of nature rejoicing before the Lord. While they wanted to honor the students’ time and the opportunity to pick up trash, Kaylee Skipper, also a Missions Coordinator, spoke to all the students gathered before they began, “We are called to love all of creation. To do that is to pick up trash but also to just be present with the trees and be grateful. This is a form of sabbath. It’s rejuvenating to be around nature, and I hope we can offer that to you guys for a little bit.”
Starting at the Old Fort Park trailhead, two groups of students – 15 in total – were sent in opposite directions on the trail covering a distance of over two miles. Soon after, a third group of students arrived hoping to help and were sent out as well. One group finished their trash pick-up at the Redoubt Brannan Trailhead, while the other two groups met up and finished at Cannonsburgh Village Trailhead together.
After only an hour of walking, the students had covered well over two miles and filled four 30-gallon trash bags with items found along their routes.
The students were rewarded with popsicles at the end, but many students say that was not why they came to the event. Daniel Phebus, a sophomore at MTSU, said, “I’ve picked up trash on trails and park paths many times and I continue to do it because giving back to the community, being in community, and faithfully stewarding the gifts we have received are what we, or at least I, really have in life.”
This group of MTSU students has made it abundantly clear that they not only have a heart for each other and for Christ but for creation care, as well.
Written by: Megan Young