Coronavirus Response
In this time of confusion and chaos, it becomes ever more important to listen to the experts. As the CDC has recommended halting all gatherings of more than 50 people, we have decided to cancel all events indefinitely.
We are disappointed to have to cancel events, but it is important to remember that this is an opportunity for you to partner in precaution with us. This is an opportunity for us to help save lives. Not our own, perhaps, but save the lives of those around us — those that are at high risk. In this time we ask you to think not about yourself but about your parents or grandparents who would be at high risk if they contracted covid-19.
This is an important time to remember that we, the younger generation, are the contaminators, the spreaders of the virus. Because of this, we heavily encourage social distancing and following the CDC’s suggestions.
In following the CDC’s protocol, the Wesley building will be closed for the duration of this period. Our staff, however, will continue to have office hours. They will be virtually available through text, phone call, or video communication during regular building hours. They welcome virtual drop-ins for any needs you may have. If you would drop by their office on any other day, you are encouraged to “drop by” virtually, whether it’s for a check in, questions, or just to talk.
With all of that being said, Wesley is still in session as long as school is. While there are no events, there is still ministry that will happen. We are actively discerning the best way to continue ministering through worship, Bible study, and more to MTSU students while maintaining a safe environment for everyone. As decisions are made, we will continue to update our community through social media and our website.
We leave you with the following thought from our resident Elder, John Weaver:
“Koinonia — a word developed in the early days of the church to mean a community of Christians — recognizes the importance of gathering, but at its core it is defined as a community. We are a community regardless of whether we are connecting in person or virtually because the church is not the building. The church, the community, is the people in it. Continue to be in fellowship with each other and check-in on each other during this time of hardship. When things become overwhelming, turn to our Father because he never leaves us. Romans 8:38-39 says, “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
What we are doing
All in-person events are cancelled until further notice. This includes Family and Friends day and coffeehous.
We have begun using YouTube Premiere to have worship service on Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Join us
Wednesday Lunch will be continued through Zoom as a time of fellowship from 12 – 1:30 p.m.
Bible study will continue via Zoom from 7 – 8:15 p.m. on Thursdays. Small groups will meet online in this format, as well.
Wesley Does Golf will be postponed to a later date.
We are actively discerning the best course of action for the future of our ministry in this difficult time.
As we make choices, updates will be posted here and to social media. We will keep you updated as quickly as possible. Please be patient as we discern the proper choices to keep all of our students safe.
What you can do
Wash your hands often and thoroughly
Limit physical contact as much as possible, especially hugs, handshakes or high fives.
Emphasize personal space and practice social distancing.
Consider postponing travel plans, especially internationally.
Use disinfectant wipes often, especially in public spaces. Clean surfaces that are touched often.
Stay home if you don’t feel well, and seek medical care as soon as symptoms appear.
Self-quarantine is never a bad idea.
Refrain from touching your eyes, nose or mouth.
If you have to sneeze or cough, do so into your bent elbow.
Encouraging Verses
II Corinthians 6:16
I Peter 2:5
Romans 8:38-39
I Thessalonians 5:11
Psalms 46:10